Indy Fitness Essentials

Safe, Effective, Quantified Personal Training.

FMS Functional Movement Screen

What is it?

Functional Movement Screen (FMS) is a screening tool used to evaluate seven fundamental movement patterns in individuals with no current pain complaint or musculoskeletal injury. The FMS is not meant to diagnose orthopedic problems but rather to demonstrate opportunities for improved movement in individuals.

The screen is designed to place an individual in extreme positions where movement deficits become noticeable if appropriate stability and mobility are not used. Even though individuals are performing an activity or sport at a high level, it has been observed that many of these same individuals are limited in fundamental movement. This leads to the use of compensatory movements in order to achieve or maintain the level of performance needed for the activity. The inefficient use of compensation during movement will lead to poor biomechanics that limit gains in performance and reduces the body's ability to remain adaptable and durable against the risks of being involved in the activity or sport.

I am here to guide you

Claudia VanArsdall, CPT/FMS

About Me:

“Mens sana in corpore sano” is a Latin phrase usually translated as “A healthy mind in a healthy body”. This phrase is widely used in sporting and educational contexts to express the theory that physical exercise is important and also an essential part of mental and psychological well-being.

I first learned of this phrase when I started earning my bachelors degree as a Fitness Economist in Germany. Since earning my degree in 2006 I found my passion in helping people feel and look better. My personal training certification is currently through NASM (National Academy of Sports Medicine) and I am CPR/AED certified. In 2015 I achieved my certification for FMS (Level 1, Functional Movement Screening). This is when I started specializing in movement. Most of my clients come to me with muscle tightness, joint discomfort, seeking help pre- or post-surgery or just like to be challenged when working out.

Training and helping others to feel better and reach their goals is a great reward. It is important to me that my clients and I work well together. Throughout the years I have worked with males and females of pretty much any age.

My training partner, Laura Vanderbeck, offers a great addition of strength training to our gym: ARX! Adaptive Resistance Exercise – a machine that will build strength without  guessing on how much weight you can lift. It adjusts to YOU personally making it safe and highly effective.


Move well – move often. I will provide my knowledge for optimal health in exercising, nutrition and supplementation. The more natural the approach, the healthier for the body.

Training Philosophy

Before starting an exercise routine with a new client, I offer a free Fitness Fundamentals session. It gives me the opportunity to learn more about your fitness history, goals and current health status. This will help determine which exercises are best to start your program and how often you should be exercising. In addition, a functional movement screen (FMS) will show limitations and faulty movement patterns. The screen consists of 7 exercises that will give more specific insight on your mobility, stability and functionality.   

Your sessions will consist of a warm up, goal specific exercises, stretching and nutritional guidelines. It is important that healthy habits are created during and outside of our sessions to achieve your goals.

I believe in communication and therefore I encourage any kind of feedback.